The preliminary report of the 2019 field season of the joint mission to Saqqara of Museo Egizio, Torino and Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden is now available. It includes a report of the construction of the workflow to survey an ongoing excavation by Alessandro Mandelli and Corinna Rossi, and the report of the test phase of the especially-built tool to survey dark and narrow spaces by team member Luca Perfetti. Conceived to survey the interior of the aqueducts at Umm al-Dabadib, it was tested in the subterranean portion of the tomb of Meryneith at Saqqara.
The article is available here

Figure 1: 3D Model of the tomb of Meryneith and its underground complex, by 3D Survey Group, Politecnico di Milano/Leiden-Turin Expedition to Saqqara.